[HELP!] serverside hooks behind bzr+http://

Viktor Nagy viktor.nagy at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 12:45:04 BST 2008

this is strange enough, as I already used bzr+http with a server side plugin

what happens if you install the plugin system wide? (under
/usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins, or something like this)


On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Marius Kruger <amanic at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi
> 2008/9/13 Viktor Nagy <viktor.nagy at gmail.com>
>> sorry, but from the information you gave I don't really know what might be
>> the problem.
>> is it called on the server?
> I'm no sure what youre asking here.
> On my client if I do:
> cd /tmp
> bzr co bzr+http://user@myserver/bzr/bazaartest/trunk
> cd trunk
> bzr commit -m "test post commit hook"
> # the commit works fine, but the post commit hook which I configured on the
> server does *not* get fired.
> To doublecheck my setup, I then did on the server
> cd bzrroot
> sudo -u apache bzr serve --allow-writes
> # I sudo as apache to make sure this has the same permissions as the fcgi
> script.
> then on the client:
> bzr bind bzr://myserver/bazaartest/trunk
> bzr commit -m "test post commit hook"
> # the commit works fine, and the post commit hook gets fired (my hook
> writes to a file so that I can see hen it gets fired).
> thanks
> marius
> ps. thanks Viktor for your updates to the e-mail plugin, it helped a lot me
> to get this far.

Viktor Nagy - viktornagy.com
Phd Student
Toulouse School of Economics
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