User interface and usability

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri Sep 12 16:51:10 BST 2008

>>>>> "Teemu" == Teemu Likonen <tlikonen at> writes:

    Teemu> Ben Finney wrote (2008-09-12 23:43 +1000):
    >> I would posit a large amount of selection bias in those results: The
    >> more one likes Git, the more one is prone to downplay how difficult it
    >> was to learn, and the more likely one is to discover and answer such
    >> a survey.

    Teemu> Martin Pilkington wrote (2008-09-12 15:09 +0100):

    >> Anyone who finds a piece of software hard to use is probably using an
    >> alternative and therefore not part of the community.

    Teemu> Maybe you guys are right. I wanted to post those stats because - other 
    Teemu> than this general "git is considered difficult to use" - there aren't 
    Teemu> much numbers about this.

    Teemu> Hmm, what would Vim users answer to the question "Did
    Teemu> you find Vim easy to learn?" Maybe it would show
    Teemu> similar distribution.

Or more generally: can you tell us what things you know how to do
and still consider difficult ?

The vast majority of things I know are easy to do. Because I know
how to do them.

The ones I find difficult are the ones I don't know how to do.


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