RFC: startup time - again

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Sep 12 09:07:50 BST 2008

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Russel Winder wrote:
>> Alexander,
>> On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 19:37 +0300, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>> Here is the numbers for 1.6.1 with and without tests.
>>> Full bzrlib with tests:
>>> C:\Temp\bzr-1.6.1\win32_bzr.exe>timeit bzr.exe --no-plugins --no-aliases rocks
>>> It sure does!
>>> time: 0.297
>>> Without tests and benchmarks:
>>> C:\Temp\bzr-1.6.1-wo-test\win32_bzr.exe>timeit bzr.exe --no-plugins --no-aliases rocks
>>> It sure does!
>>> time: 0.281
>>> So I get about 16 ms win, i.e. >5% speedup. Does it big or small? For me it's enough big.
>>> There is another 3-5 places where I can get additional 16ms speedup on each.
>>> So in sum I could get about 80ms speedup. Does it big or small?
>> I would be strongly tempted to not make any deductions at all from two
>> data points.  I find that I easily get ±10% variation for the same job
>> on the same machine just running at different times.   Even if you run
>> the same job on the same machine just one after the other, I bet the
>> times are easily going to be ±5%.
> I believe he is using python's builtin "timeit" module, which runs
> something N times and then does it 3 times and picks the fastest. So in
> this case, it should run 3 batches of 10 times. The time reported is
> sum(time) / N.

No, you're wrong. timeit.exe it's my own utility. Source code is attached.
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