[Fwd: [qbzr] BZR storage]

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Sep 11 10:13:32 BST 2008

I'd like to resend this question to bzr ML, because this question
interesting and for me too: does there is exists web-service(s)
to host non-open-source bzr projects?

Very interesting site is assembla.com: they're support svn, hg and git.

Why there is no bzr? This is question not only for assembla.com buy and
for core bzr devs IMO.

Is GNU Bazaar targets only OSS projects?

-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: [qbzr] BZR storage
Дата: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 02:05:32 -0700 (PDT)
От: oshmoz <oshmoz at gmail.com>
Отвечать: qbzr at googlegroups.com
Кому: QBzr <qbzr at googlegroups.com>

   I know it's not the right group to ask this question, but I haven't
found any group or forum discussing bazaar. If you can give me a
pointer I'd be grateful (no mailing list, unfortunately I can't access
Anyway, can someone point me to a public storage for bazaar projects
(Like assembla.com or freeHg or BitBucket)? Launchpad is no good,
since it's only supporting open-source projects.

Thanks again,

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