[MERGE] Tweak http smartserver docs

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Sep 11 07:25:38 BST 2008

>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Lange <jml at mumak.net> writes:

    Jonathan> Hello all,

    Jonathan> Two small changes here. The first updates the links
    Jonathan> to modpywsgi so that they'll actually find
    Jonathan> something, the second updates the example files in
    Jonathan> the "Bazaar config" section to use the same paths
    Jonathan> as are used in the "Apache config" section.

Thanks for that.

    Jonathan> Linking to Pocoo is kind of ugly, but I still think
    Jonathan> this patch is an improvement over broken links to
    Jonathan> Pocoo.

Ugly links are better than broken links.



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