RFC: startup time - again

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Sep 10 09:45:06 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 12:44 +0900, David Cournapeau wrote:
> Not that it would make the C difficulty issue irrelevant, but are you
> aware of cython ? It is a (friendly) fork of pyrex, and supports some
> things that pyrex does not, in particular wrt to debugging.
> http://cython.org/

Thanks. I'll have a look at that for sure.

> They presented some recent improvements at Scipy08 conference for
> source
> code annotation with automatic highlight of hotspot, and those kind of
> things to make it faster. Some people in the numpy and more generally
> scientific python community like it.
> But I am still unclear why bzr would need C whereas hg does not. I am
> a
> bit skeptical about the fact that bzr higher abstractions than hg cost
> so much. At least, from what I could read in this thread, I can't say
> I
> have seen really tangible proof that C is needed.
> Also, having a daemon / client architecture sounds horribly
> complicated;
> at that stage, why not pushing something like bzr shell ?

a daemon is complicated, I'm not in favour of it.
'bzr shell' is a workaround - keeping a bzr shell up so that you can run
'st' in it rather than from your editor is a bit gross. 'bzr shell' is
nice, and folk that like it should totally use it.

bzr doesn't necessarily need C; the thread seems a little unfocused :).
In terms of startup time though, a C driver would make nearly no
difference. (its basically freeze, right ? :)). Going a step further
though, which is what Martin mentioned, would allow us to end up with
little to no python code being loaded for common use cases; *that* could
drastically speed up loading as well as performance. But its a huge step
to take, and a lot of work to get there, and most crucially, its not
necessarily a *desirable* place to get to.


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