RFC: startup time - again
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Wed Sep 10 06:20:10 BST 2008
John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 09:48:52AM +1000 I heard the voice of
>> Andrew Bennetts, and lo! it spake thus:
>>> That's a pretty slow
bzr rocks
>> Machine speeds do vary. Mine takes ~.4-.5 seconds.
> Well, this was more about *platform*.
> On the exact same laptop, "time bzr --no-plugins rocks" on Linux is about
> 106ms, and under Windows it is about 500ms.
Here is my numbers with 1.6.1 on my laptop with Agnitum Outpost firewall on
(that doing executable files check on startup).
C:\Temp\bzr-1.6.1\win32_bzr.exe>timeit bzr.exe --no-plugins --no-aliases rocks
It sure does!
time: 0.297
C:\Temp\bzr-1.6.1>timeit python -O bzr --no-plugins --no-aliases rocks
It sure does!
time: 0.484
I did also experiments with simple rocks.py script (see attached):
C:\Temp\rocks\dist>timeit rocks.exe
It sure does
time: 0.062
C:\Temp\rocks>timeit python -O rocks.py
It sure does
time: 0.156
So, bzr.exe potentially is able to startup faster even on "this bad" windows.
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