RFC: startup time - again

Andrew Bennetts andrew at canonical.com
Wed Sep 10 00:48:52 BST 2008

Russel Winder wrote:
> "bzr rocks" is a very useful metric for instantaneous since it is clear
> that all it does is return a string, i.e. it is a variant of "Hello
> World" -- it can be implemented:
> 	print "It sure does!"
> So, a quick test:
>         |> time bzr rocks
>         It sure does!
>         real	0m0.520s
>         user	0m0.300s
>         sys	0m0.096s

That's a pretty slow “bzr rocks” time.  Is “bzr --no-plugins rocks” faster for
you?  It's possible that one or more of your installed plugins is doing a lot of
unnecessary work (e.g. importing lots of modules) every time you run bzr.


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