how to prevent bzr+ssh from asking a password each time I commit a change?

Andrew Cowie andrew at
Tue Sep 9 05:53:07 BST 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 22:56 -0500, Rahul Nabar wrote:
> While using bzr+ssh: it asks me for a password each time 

Being asked for a password or passphrase is SSH's business; if you don't
want to be challenged constantly you need to arrange that your public
key is authorized to access the remote account and to have an
`ssh-agent` running to hold the passphrase locally.

I'm sure someone else here or in #bzr can point you to a good OpenSSH
tutorial if you don't know about using ssh keys instead of passwords.

How to get an agent running is somewhat distro & desktop dependent, but
if you're on a recent Ubuntu or an up to date Gentoo system (or any
other distro with GNOME >= 2.22 on it), things should be set up to Just
Work™ and after you've logged in you will hopefully only be asked for
your passphrase once.

> Is it possible to change
> this behaviour by only pushing changes to the remote server at
> intervals and only then ask for a password?

This is actually a somewhat different issue. It sounds like you're being
hassled in no small part because you are working in a checkout of a
remote branch.

If you instead work in a full power branch locally, and then
periodically merge the revisions from your working branch to your local
checkout, then you'll only have to commit that merge (and thus cause a
remote connection to be necessary) once in a while.

In distributed revision control, ultimately all branches are peers. The
only thing that differentiates a checkout from a branch (in Bazaar) is
that a commit in a checkout has to [be able to] succeed in whatever
(usually remote) branch that you're "bound" to first. So just create
another branch (or six) locally, do your work, and then when you're
ready to push it back for others to use shuttle your revisions over to
the checkout and merge.


Andrew Frederick Cowie

Operational Dynamics is an operations and engineering consultancy
focusing on IT strategy, organizational architecture, systems
review, and effective procedures for change management. We actively
carry out research and development in these areas on behalf of our
clients, and enable successful use of open source in their mission
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