Best way to check if a file matches an ignore pattern

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Sep 8 18:46:55 BST 2008

>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

    john> Nicholas Allen wrote:
    >> Sorry, I was not clear enough - I meant from the command line. I need it
    >> for my Eclipse plugin (which is written in Java) so I need some way to
    >> detect this by invoking bzr commands...
    >> Nick
    >> Mark Hammond wrote:
    >>>> How can I check if a file matches an ignore pattern?
    >>> Use the tree.is_ignored() method.
    >>> Cheers,
    >>> Mark

    john> echo > ~/.bazaar/plugins/ <<EOF
    john> from bzrlib import commands, workingtree

No ! He will not do it !

    john> class cmd_is_ignored(commands.Command):
    john>     """Check to see if a path would be ignored."""

You bet he does :D




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