[MERGE] OSX test suite passing (well as of 2008/09/08 :)

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Mon Sep 8 18:25:21 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> @aaron: If you can at least review test_case_insensitive_clash
> changed into test_rollback_on_directory_clash, that will be
> great.

Okay, I rate it a tweak.

>     aaron> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>     >>>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> writes:
>     >> Roughly speaking, in that test, we rely on _FileMover via
>     >> TreeTransform to detect a name clash when the file system is case
>     >> insensitive.
>     aaron> Actually, that test is about making sure that if
>     aaron> renaming a file fails during a TreeTransform, we roll
>     aaron> back properly.  It doesn't really have anything to do
>     aaron> with case sensitivity.  I should not have used
>     aaron> CaseInsensitiveFilesystemFeature for this.
> <snip/>
>     aaron> Well, what I really mean is changing the test so that
>     aaron> it tries to rename a directory on top of another
>     aaron> directory.  I believe this causes failures on every
>     aaron> platform.
> So I changed test_case_insensitive_clash into
> test_rollback_on_directory_clash.
> Does that fit ?

Yes, I think it's better to have a test that works everywhere.

> +    def test_rollback_on_directory_clash(self):
> +        wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
> +        wt.add

^^^ I think this is a no-op.

>          def tt_helper():
> -            wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
>              tt = TreeTransform(wt)  # TreeTransform obtains write lock
>              try:
> -                tt.new_file('foo', tt.root, 'bar')
> -                tt.new_file('Foo', tt.root, 'spam')
> +                foo = tt.new_directory('foo', tt.root)
> +                tt.new_file('bar', foo, 'foobar')
> +                baz = tt.new_directory('baz', tt.root)
> +                tt.new_file('qux', baz, 'quux')
> +                # Ask for a rename 'foo' -> 'baz'
> +                tt.adjust_path('baz', tt.root, foo)
>                  # Lie to tt that we've already resolved all conflicts.
>                  tt.apply(no_conflicts=True)
>              except:
>                  wt.unlock()
>                  raise
> +        # It will fail the renaming because the target directory is not empty

^^^ "The rename will fail..."

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