[MERGE] Improved review process docs and separate out architectural overview
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon Sep 8 15:44:26 BST 2008
>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> writes:
aaron> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net> writes:
>> Ok. I was hoping to find some tricks on how you guys set up a
>> branch for review.
>> I do it that way:
>> #!/bin/sh -x
>> BASE=~/src/bzr/reviews
>> NICK=$1
>> PATCH=$BASE/$NICK.patch
>> # Bundles contain a line like:
>> # base_revision_id: pqm at pqm.ubuntu.com-20080903083249-e76ygekseh1peidm
>> REV_ID=`grep '^# base_revision_id: ' poolie-review-doc.patch | sed -e 's/^# base_revision_id: //'`
>> cd $BASE
>> bzr branch lp:bzr -r revid:$REV_ID $1
>> cd $BASE/$1
>> bzr pull $PATCH
aaron> Just "bzr init foo && bzr pull -d foo foo.patch" should work, as long as
aaron> the bundle's target_branch is accurate. Any missing revisions will be
aaron> fetched from target_branch.
>> with PATH being the file I saved either from the mail or from BB.
>> By the way, why isn't the above integrated to bzr branch (in a
>> more robust way,
aaron> Well, FWICT, all you need is "bzr branch" to natively support bundles,
aaron> instead of having to use init && pull. I never create review branches.
aaron> If I don't review from the patch, I merge the bundle into bzr.dev.
aaron> So I guess the answer is "because vila hasn't added bundle support to
aaron> 'bzr branch.". :-)
Ok, I'll nag him then,
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