Simple Vim interface for Bazaar
Teemu Likonen
tlikonen at
Sun Sep 7 21:55:04 BST 2008
Here's a very simple bzr plugin for Vim editor. Actually this is
a plugin to run any shell commands and have their output displayed in
a Vim scratch buffer. Anyway, Vim commands for some VCS tools are
included for convenience.
I'm aware that there are VCS plugins for Vim. I made this because I like
to use the same interface as the command line tools and without
restrictions. Filename completion and piping works, and Vim command line
expands % to current filename. Inside Vim, :Bzr command works just like
"bzr" from shell. Commands :Git, :Hg and :Svn work similarly. Examples:
:Bzr log -l20
:Bzr diff -c -1
:Bzr annotate %
:Bzr help merge
:Git shortlog -ns %
:Hg heads
:Svn info
:Shell ls -a | column
" Add the following lines to your ~/.vimrc file or save them to a file
" in ~/.vim/plugin/ directory.
command! -complete=file -nargs=* Bzr call s:RunShellCommand('bzr '.<q-args>)
" Other VCS tools
command! -complete=file -nargs=* Git call s:RunShellCommand('git '.<q-args>)
command! -complete=file -nargs=* Hg call s:RunShellCommand('hg '.<q-args>)
command! -complete=file -nargs=* Svn call s:RunShellCommand('svn '.<q-args>)
" Run any shell command
command! -complete=file -nargs=+ Shell call s:RunShellCommand(<q-args>)
" Shell commands may launch $EDITOR so we need to set it to something
" that works inside Vim.
let $EDITOR = '/usr/bin/gvim --nofork'
function! s:RunShellCommand(cmdline)
botright new
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap
call setline(1,a:cmdline)
call setline(2,substitute(a:cmdline,'.','=','g'))
execute 'silent $read !'.escape(a:cmdline,'()%#')
setlocal nomodifiable
if search('\m\C^--- .*\n+++ .*\n@@','n')
setlocal filetype=diff
if a:cmdline =~ '\m\C^git '
2match Statement /\v\C<commit \x{7,}>/
elseif a:cmdline =~ '\m\C^bzr log'
2match Statement /\v-{50,}/
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