How to set append_revisions_only configuration option for branches in Launchpad?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Sep 5 06:33:56 BST 2008

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> It works from cygwin's openssh and sftp implementation. However I can't
> do the "put branch.conf ~qbzr-dev/qbzr/trunk/.bzr/branch/branch.conf"
> for you, because I'm not allowed to write to the ~qbzr-dev branches.

It's nice that cygwin's openssh works, but I'm using Putty. So, may be
inability of Putty is related to CD bug, maybe there is another bug.

Anyway I did it with the help of hitchhiker.

If somebody need it here is the patch fro hitchhiker that provides put command:

--- hitchhiker 2008-06-06 23:00:31 +0000
+++ hitchhiker 2008-09-04 18:25:59 +0000
@@ -178,6 +178,23 @@
          len_copied = self._retrieve_file(relpath, outfile)
          print "%d bytes copied" % len_copied

+    @cmd_args('localpath', 'relpath')
+    def cmd_put(self, localpath, relpath):
+        """Upload a file."""
+        full_url = self.transport.clone(relpath).base
+        try:
+            infile = open(localpath, 'rb')
+        except IOError, e:
+            raise UserError(str(e))
+        try:
+            try:
+                len_copied = self.transport.put_file(relpath, infile)
+            except bzr_errors.NoSuchFile, e:
+                raise UserError(str(e))
+        finally:
+            infile.close()
+        print "%d bytes copied" % len_copied
      def cmd_info(self):
          """Print information about the current location.

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