[MERGE] install plugin l10n files with Windows binaries.
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Sep 4 01:19:28 BST 2008
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 10:13 +1000, Mark Hammond wrote:
> > 2) How do you make sure to bundle the correct plugins? IIRC 1.6rc?
> had
> > bzr-svn bundled, but the final 1.6-final did not. I'm getting the
> > feeling we need a bit more explicitly defined process, rather than
> just
> > happening to bundle what is directly found.
I have a patch outstanding for bundling a bunch of things in the release
tarball. IMO it would be good to have the two lists be the same - if
that is at all possible. [I think it probably is]. That patch needs some
more setup.py love for the bundled plugins.
> Agreed 100% - I also think we should enforce that the list of
> 'missing'
> modules is empty at the end of the process, and I previously made some
> moves
> towards that. However, the overhead of getting code landed makes me
> fear
> that even a theoretically simple change like a nominated list of
> included
> plugins will involve several "tweak" round-trips with the final few
> related
> to grammar in the comments, making the status-quo sound attractive :)
> I
> agree such changes would be good and would be happy to review any.
I tend to just include such grammar changes in with any other changes
needed by review and not do a specific patch for them, unless its the
last thing being done. Also, sometimes the grammar requests are
wrong :P.
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