[MERGE] install plugin l10n files with Windows binaries.

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Sep 3 15:31:40 BST 2008

John Arbash Meinel has voted approve.
Status is now: Semi-approved
The patch seems fine as is, though I have a few questions:
1) What is being packaged by installing it in 'bzrlib/plugins' versus 
stuff like TBZR being installed using env options.
2) How do you make sure to bundle the correct plugins? IIRC 1.6rc? had 
bzr-svn bundled, but the final 1.6-final did not. I'm getting the 
feeling we need a bit more explicitly defined process, rather than just 
happening to bundle what is directly found.

Anyway, *this* patch is fine, and can be merged for 1.7, but I think it 
points me towards some discussion that needs to be had. (Not to mention 
the 'if "py2exe"...' branch of setup.py is getting *way* out of hand, 
and should really be refactored into real functions instead of a sort of 
ad-hoc jumble.

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