THIS, OTHER, BASE and moved files popping up (possibly bzr-svn)

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Sep 2 21:28:40 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Klaas van Schelven wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to move gently in to the better world of bzr from the dark ages
> of svn. I took a hint from the User Guide on easy transfers: bzr-svn. So I'm
> running bzr on top of our joint, central svn account.
> Today I was working alone, partially off line - so I have no concurrent
> others to blame. As far as I remember I did the following.
> * work happily offline, check everything in
> * bzr ci -m "..."   a couple of times when no internet was available
> * bzr up

At a minimum, you would have to handle the fact you were offline. Did you do:
"bzr commit --local" or did you do "bzr unbind; bzr commit"?

It doesn't strictly make a difference, but I'm sure there was at least some
action to allow you to commit while offline.

> I now have files like this (for about 30 original files this makes 210). xxx
> is the only original
> xxx
> xxx.BASE
> xxx.BASE.moved
> xxx.OTHER
> xxx.OTHER.moved
> xxx.THIS
> xxx.THIS.moved
> * How did this happen? What is it I do not understand? How should I have
> worked off line?

I can certainly see how you could get .BASE/.OTHER files, but I don't see how
you would have gotten them 2x (which is what triggers the .moved to occur).

> * How to recover - specifically, I'd like to fish back the changes I did
> from these 7 files without too much manual editing.
> * How do I tell bzr everything is ok? For files I've edited (and tossed out
> the associated garbage) bzr st keeps reporting all kinds of moves and
> backups like so:
>   Conflict adding file xxx.THIS.  Moved existing file to xxx.THIS.moved.
> even after bzr resolve.

You have to manually list the files, like "bzr resolve xxx.THIS" should be


> Hope you can help,
> Klaas

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