[MERGE] readdir, take 2.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Sep 2 06:20:22 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 15:06 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> One of the ideas of the test-not-run framework, which I believe you
> wanted, was that it would be obvious if things are not being tested.
> Showing test stipple may remind people to do whatever is necessary to
> get them built.  I believe at the moment the makefile will still pass
> even if the extensions were not built.

We achieved the things I wanted quite a while back - we put up a wiki
page in Montreal, and it got implemented. The current stuff I feel quite
dissatisfied with. Lets not segue off into that though.

PQM, which is our key arbiter for this sort of thing, is much more of a
concern to me than people watching the test suite. When it spews output
it becomes rapidly noise and people stop watching the test output

> At any rate I'm reluctant to add now tests that can silently not run
> because if we do want to tighten it up later it may be hard to find
> them.  But if it's not obvious how to do it the other way nevermind
> for now.

Well, I can require the extension which will cause test failures on
windows and any platform without readdir.


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