[merge][rfc] log+ transport decorator
Martin Pool
mbp at sourcefrog.net
Tue Sep 2 05:37:52 BST 2008
On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 4:15 AM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Martin Pool wrote:
>> This lets you say
>> bzr push log+sftp://blah
>> and it will write to .bzr.log a record of the calls that were made,
>> the results, and how long they took. A bit like strace (but for
>> Bazaar transport io) and a bit like -Dhpss.
I'm cleaning up BB and this has been sitting almost finished for ages.
> + for methodname in (
> + 'append_bytes append_file '
> + 'copy_to '
> + 'delete '
> + 'get '
> + 'has '
> + 'iter_files_recursive '
> + 'open_write_stream '
> + 'mkdir move '
> + 'put_bytes put_bytes_non_atomic put_file put_file_non_atomic '
> + 'list_dir lock_read lock_write '
> + 'readv rename rmdir '
> + 'stat '
> + 'ulock '
> + ).strip().split():
> + setattr(self, methodname, _make_hook(methodname))
> I don't really see this as any better than just doing
> 'append_bytes', 'append_file',
> ...
> I suppose it meant you needed to type ', ' less.
I did, I think I was having some kind of perl flashback. ;-) It was a
bit crazy so I've removed it.
> You might also want to overload '__getattr__'. That would let you log any
> functions that weren't locally defined. If you wanted, you could make it only
> trigger on public functions. Something like:
> def __getattr__(self, name):
> if not name.startswith('_'):
> mutter('accessing member: %s', name)
> It actually should be fine, since callers will be only accessing the public
> api, so you don't actually need the '_' check. (Since this is a decorator, not
> something inheriting from the base class.)
Just using __getattr__ won't do, because it's only called if the
attribute isn't present on the object or class at all, and many
interesting ones are defined on TransportDecorator.
I think using getattr to populate them on demand might be useful but
it's not compelling for me for now so I'll stick with the current code
plus your above fix.
> You use:
> + return self._log_call(hookname, relpath, *args, **kw)
> but have:
> + def _log_call(self, methodname, relpath, *args):
> Which I think means if you use a kwarg in the hook (mode=XX comes to mind), the
> _log_call function will break. Then again, maybe kwargs only holds the ones
> that weren't defined. Which should always be the empty set.
I think it might well have failed if the caller specified the keyword. Fixed.
> + try:
> + result = getattr(self._decorated, methodname)(*((relpath,) + args))
> + except Exception, e:
> + mutter(" --> %s" % e)
> + mutter(" %.03fs" % (time.time() - before))
> + raise
> + return self._show_result(before, methodname, result)
> I'm pretty sure you can do:
> result = getattr(self._decorated, methodname)(relpath, *args)
> Which looks quite a bit nicer.
> ...
> + # XXX: the time is wrong when e.g. a generator object is returned from
> + # an http readv, because the object is returned before the bulk data
> + # is read.
> I think for http it is actually correct, because our current HTTP.readv
> implementation buffers all the data. SFTP.readv() certainly returns before it
> has finished downloading everything.
> For readv() specifically, you could just do:
> start = time.time()
> results = list(self._decorated.readv(*args))
> return iter(results)
> It would preserve the correctness of the api, and let you see how long the
> actual downloading takes.
> It is slightly inacurrate, because we will probably be doing at least some
> processing while readv is going, which means there could be some slowdowns (if
> the buffer fills while we are waiting, that is time not downloading, etc)
For now I just changed the comment to say 'may be wrong.'
Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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