Figuring out a workflow (bzr-svn, local changes I never want to push upstream)

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Mon Sep 1 18:55:24 BST 2008

Am Montag, den 01.09.2008, 12:34 -0500 schrieb Tom Tobin:
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Tom Tobin <korpios at> wrote:
> The major hangup I have here is the way bzr-svn doesn't have a "do the
> right thing" option for pushing and pulling; sometimes I'll dpush
> first and it'll complain that I need to rebase first; sometimes I'll
> rebase first and it'll complain that I need to pull instead.  Argh!
> :-)  It would be great if both dpush and rebase had an option to
> perform any necessary alternate operations automatically; there's too
> much trial-and-error involved as things stand now.
bzr-rebase will now pull itself rather than tell you to pull. (revision
105 of trunk).

This should allow you to just run "bzr rebase" followed by "bzr dpush".
I personally don't like the idea of dpush affecting the actual file data
in your local tree. 


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