Branch fails from 'pack-0.92' repo to 'rich-root-pack' repo

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Sat Aug 30 06:17:24 BST 2008

Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > Based on the above, then, I understand that Bazaar 1.5 should be
> > able to convert arbitrary older branches to rich-root formats.
> Well, all branches in compatible formats.
> > Should that hold for, say, using 'bzr upgrade' to convert a shared
> > repository in 'dirstate-with-subtree' format to one of
> > 'rich-root-pack' or 'rich-root' format?
> No. The rich-root formats do not support subtrees, so converting
> from a subtree format to a rich-root format is deliberately
> prevented.
> However, if you are sure that your dirstate-with-subtree branch doesn't
> actually use the subtree feature, then you can work around this using
> $ bzr init --rich-root-pack
> $ bzr pull ../path-to-existing-branch

Thanks. I've done this from a couple of dozen branches in one
'pack-0.92-subtree' repository into a 'rich-root-pack' repository, and
the 'pull' at least was successful for each. I'll use them in the new
repository and see if there are further problems.

Good to get this forward progress, thanks for your patience and

 \             “I put contact lenses in my dog's eyes. They had little |
  `\   pictures of cats on them. Then I took one out and he ran around |
_o__)                                      in circles.” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney

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