Branch fails from 'pack-0.92' repo to 'rich-root-pack' repo

Kevin Light klight at
Fri Aug 29 14:08:31 BST 2008

----- "Ben Finney" <bignose+hates-spam at> wrote:

> Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:
> > Ben Finney wrote:
> > > Then what is the "it" which "went into 1.5", and how does it
> relate to
> > > the above work?
> > 
> > "It" was ensuring that all branches, even weird ones like BE can be
> > converted into rich-root formats.
> Based on the above, then, I understand that Bazaar 1.5 should be able
> to convert arbitrary older branches to rich-root formats.
> Should that hold for, say, using 'bzr upgrade' to convert a shared
> repository in 'dirstate-with-subtree' format to one of
> 'rich-root-pack' or 'rich-root' format?
> But, no such luck:
> =====
> $ bzr version
> Bazaar (bzr) 1.5
> […]
> $ bzr info .
> Shared repository with trees (format: dirstate-with-subtree)
> Location:
>   shared repository: .
> $ bzr upgrade --rich-root-pack .
> starting upgrade of file:///home/benf/Projects.BROKEN-REPO/
> making backup of tree history
> file:///home/benf/Projects.BROKEN-REPO/.bzr has been backed up to
> file:///home/benf/Projects.BROKEN-REPO/backup.bzr
> if conversion fails, you can move this directory back to .bzr
> if it succeeds, you can remove this directory if you wish
> starting repository conversion
> bzr: ERROR: Cannot convert to format <RepositoryFormatKnitPack4>. 
> Does not support nested trees
> $ rm -r .bzr/
> $ mv backup.bzr/ .bzr/
> $ bzr upgrade --rich-root .
> starting upgrade of file:///home/benf/Projects.BROKEN-REPO/
> making backup of tree history
> file:///home/benf/Projects.BROKEN-REPO/.bzr has been backed up to
> file:///home/benf/Projects.BROKEN-REPO/backup.bzr
> if conversion fails, you can move this directory back to .bzr
> if it succeeds, you can remove this directory if you wish
> starting repository conversion                                        
> bzr: ERROR: Cannot convert to format <RepositoryFormatKnit4>.  Does
> not support nested trees                                              
> $ rm -r .bzr/
> $ mv backup.bzr/ .bzr/
> =====
> What am I missing?

I was bumping into this problem as well.  I just realized that John's reply didn't make the list, but his suggestion was to go to --1.6-rich-root which does indeed work.

To quote his reply:

> I think "bzr upgrade --1.6-rich-root" will actually fail, but you can do:
> bzr init --1.6-rich-root target
> cd target
> bzr pull $source
> You may want "init-repo" in there.


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