[MERGE] Dont tell people how to add ignored files every time (fixes 76616)

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Aug 27 04:19:22 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 23:14 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Moreover, I put that text there because it is a very common situation
> that new users believe Bazaar won't let them add ignored files.
> Removing the text would arguably make Bazaar much harder for Bazaar
> newbies, and that *certainly* isn't the Bazaar way.

In fact, we've tried:
 - add totally silent
 - add lists every ignored file
 - add says some were ignored
 - add lists the patterns.

I think we have had the least confusion /complaints from users with the
current behaviour - so we have empirical data that the current approach
generates less confusion.

I'd like bzr add -q to be totally silent, if it isn't today, but simple
'bzr add' should continue to note that there were files it didn't add.

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