[MERGE] Obey --quiet on select builtins (fixes 239523)

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Wed Aug 27 03:55:18 BST 2008

Bug #239523 notes that bzr tag --quiet blah is not quiet.  The reason  
is that many of the commands in builtins.py use self.outf.write() to  
give user feedback and take no account of the global trace.is_quiet()  
state.  In trying to fix this, I've tried to get away from every  
command having to check is_quiet when they want to give feedback.  To  
do that I added a method on Command objects called mention() that  
checks is_quiet appropriately before it writes to self.outf.

I applied this fix to tag and a couple of other commands whose only  
feedback came through direct calls to self.outf.write().  Some other  
commands such as pull, push and add use helper functions to do the  
work that take a to_file argument.  To fix these, they probably need  
to take a should_print argument as well and check it internally.  I  
have not made all of those changes, but that doesn't make this bug fix  
any less valid.

Test coverage is improved with test_quiet blackbox tests for each  
command that lacked them.


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