[MERGE][REGRESSION][1.6] fetching knits => packs

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Aug 18 23:36:55 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> bb:approve
>>> Specifically, the bug starts with a knit repository that is 70MB on disk (35MB
>>> --apparent). And it ends up 170MB after copying into a pack repository.
>>> Further, it uses 700+MB of memory for the copy.
>> So, this was introduced by Robert's change:
>>  3584 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager	2008-07-29 [merge]
>>       (robertc) Give repository objects more control over the generic fetch
>>       	process. (Robert Collins)
>> We haven't noticed the problem in general fetching, because it is rare that
>> you fetch a lot of texts and when you already have the left-hand parent in
>> your repository, it just re-does the delta.
> Thanks for catching this. *blush*.
> To test it we'd want to instrument a repositories vf objects to catch
> method calls and then do a fetch where we try both values of
> fetch_uses_deltas, and ensure its passed through correctly.
> -Rob

Attached is a patch which includes tests for all 4 VF objects. I have to cheat
a bit for the signatures one, because it does extra get_record_stream calls.
That should be fixed eventually, but it doesn't need to happen now.


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