[1.7] Plans for bzr 1.7

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Aug 15 18:31:29 BST 2008

>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

    john> It seems Martin has put me in charge of the 1.7

I'd say your karma is acting here, you're a good RM, so the hat
just come back :-D

But if you need help in any way and that I can learn the RM
job[0] I'd be more than happy to help (TM jam).


    john>   d) Speaking of which, would anyone want to champion
    john>   getting the test suite to pass cleanly on Mac OSX? I
    john>   don't use it as my primary platform anymore, so I
    john>   don't run into it as often.

I saw Guillermo popping for that one, count me as a backup or
reviewer here.

I did work on the subject in the past to the point where I could
run the full test suite with some tricks (mostly related to /tmp
being a bit special under OS X), but I never looked back and
things may have regressed.


    john>   f) Andrew Bennetts is working on doing effort tests,
    john>   and some iterative improvements to the HPSS protocol
    john>   to make things like 'bzr push' faster, also to make
    john>   it cheaper to open a remote object.  I think he
    john>   wanted to do it under the effort framework, so I'd
    john>   like to at least get the basic effort testing into
    john>   1.7.

I'm interested in hpss and network performance related tasks, so
count me on that one too.

[0]: No, I don't ask to become RM for 1.7, you misread, you keep
the hat on that one :)

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