[MERGE] 'bzr uncommit' shows revision ids in the log messages

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Aug 15 14:28:15 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 11:06 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> This just changes "bzr uncommit" to set 'show_ids=True'. The premise is
>> that uncommit is one of those times where you may want to get back to
>> the revision_id you just got rid of.
> I don't like this much.
>> It also mutters the revision id into .bzr.log in case you forgot about
>> it and need to come back later.
> I like this.
>> This is mostly a workaround to needing to use the "heads()" plugin to
>> get back to what you wanted.
>> I ran into this because I wanted to pqm-submit a branch of mine in
>> stages, so I uncommit, submit, let pqm run. And then pull and submit again.
> erm
> why not 'push -r X --overwrite', send and repeat? Using uncommit for
> this really feels like the wrong hammer. Or perhaps a loom?

Um... pqm can't accept patches from a loom. And in general loom has
caused me more problems than not. I'm using a bound branch, so push -r X
doesn't fit quite right. I *could* create new public branches and submit

I still think showing the revision ids allows people to recover,
regardless my personal use case.

>> I know we generally want to hide revision ids, but it does seem like
>> 'uncommit' is going to be one of those times that if you want to revert
>> back, you have to go to revision_ids. (The other possibility is the
>> whole reflog idea, of saving the tip pointer of the branch after every
>> operation, which would give a place to *look* for possible revision ids.)
> I'd be ok with printing 'use bzr pull . -r revid:XXXX to restore this
> uncommitted revision'.
> -Rob

I would be okay with that as well. I can switch if you prefer.

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