Bazaar 1.6 release candidate 2

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Aug 13 23:05:15 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> There were a couple small regressions found in the 1.6rc1 release. This
> release is a minor change to the rc1 release, with those regressions fixed. We
> would expect to release 1.6-final within the next week if no more regressions
> our found.
> There is lots of great new stuff in 1.6, and we would love to have people
> testing this release candidate, to make sure it is as great of a release as we
> can make it.
> The source code and changelog is available from:
> Packages for Ubuntu should be available soon in the PPA:
> And for other systems (Mac OSX, Win32) from
> Many thanks to all who have contributed to this release.
> John
> =:->

Just to follow up on what has and has not made it into 1.6rc2.

1) Jelmer's Inventory.copy() patch made it.

2) Updates to 'bzr log' to re-introduce buffering have not. If we want to do
this, I think it will require another RC because it will be a semi-invasive
change. (At a minimum, a new api, etc.)

3) Fixing the Windows .listdir() regression made it in.

4) The extra tests for Windows did not. I will try to get them all reviewed so
we can get it all into 1.7.

5) Robert's change to not version .bzrrules has not. There is still some
debate here. He said he's putting together a patch now, and if it is small
enough, I think I can bring it in without another RC.

If anyone has other things, please respond to this thread. I'm going to be
minimal, and tell most people to get it merged into 1.7 (which I'll also be
The current plan is to release 1.7rc1 on Sept 4th, which is only 3 weeks away
from *today*, so I don't think there is much hardship in waiting.


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