[Bug 257180] Re: slower performance of log and annotate in 1.6?

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Aug 13 02:20:18 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 01:07 +0000, Martin Pool wrote:
> It would be a shame to have this regression in 1.6.  It seems like one
> practical measure would be to restore the load of the whole index in
> this case, and at least see how that compares.  This would be a step
> back from the kind of index behaviour we generally want, but perhaps
> the best we can do for current pack indexes.  Perhaps we could do this
> through an api that is just a hint, and less specific than
> _buffer_all, so that other repositories can just ignore it.

I have repositories where doing this will OOM bzr :) I realise that they
are somewhat extreme :(.  I agree its not a desirable regression, but it
simply highlights the known deficiencies of 'graphindex' more.

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