slower performance of log and annotate in 1.6?

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Aug 13 01:20:58 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 15:56 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> So, on a different "optimally unpacked" repository:

reformatting for my ease:
         1.3   dev  btree  bloom
log       36    43     31     31
log file  38   155     13     13

So,  I think we should just make a dev format with the simplest form of
b+trees - b+tree, no bloom, lean code - and let people see what we have
in the pipeline.

We can still test blooms more on groupcompress and bring them in later
as needed. Its highly likely IMO that we'd see more of a win on remote
operations, but b+tree's seem to be a sufficient win on their own that
I'd like the wider exposure we get by having them available in .dev -
and am happy to support people using them.


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