Purging parts of a branch's history?

Staffan Gimåker staffan at gimaker.se
Tue Aug 12 23:40:33 BST 2008

On Tuesday 12 August 2008 23:56:56 Talden wrote:
> AIUI rebase doesn't move revisions around, it combines them into a new
> revision.

Actually, combing them is what I wanted it to do, but move them around was 
what it actually does. The name "rebase" is actually very descriptive of what 
it does once you get the hang of it.

> So you can collapse the 100 revisions into 1. 

And I have (at last!), but it was a bit more involved than just 
doing "rebase" - see the "complete" recipe further down the mail thread.

To be honest, it was a lot more involved than I thought it would be - *not* 
recommended unless your branch's history is mostly linear!

> This of course break 
> history which breaks any branches and checkouts that are dependent on
> the original...

Moving them around also "breaks" branches and checkouts. But it's not a big 
deal to me at the moment.

Staffan Gimåker
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