do you know enough about what (other) Bazaar developers are doing?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Aug 12 10:36:29 BST 2008

>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:


    aaron> 2. "Bundle Buggy acknowledges this patch" messages are
    aaron> mostly noise.  The only reason I do 'em is to provide
    aaron> the link.  Perhaps BB could accept the messages
    aaron> directly, append the URL in a footer, and then forward
    aaron> to the list?

I strongly prefer the way it works now and for once "Just Hit
Delete" seems appropriate.

Many first-time submitters (and even experienced ones) will miss
details on how to make fully correct submissions which is a
strong reason to keep the mailing list as the email to be used for
submissions. Automating all corrections or suggestions we, as
humans, can make to correct these submissions will never be made

BB acks are just that, acknowledgments, they are easy to process or


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