dirstate internals question

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Aug 12 04:10:22 BST 2008

I'm confused by this code in dirstate's update_basis_apply_deletes

            if real_delete:
                if entry[1][0][0] != 'a':
                    self._changes_aborted = True
                    raise errors.InconsistentDelta(old_path, file_id,
                            'This was marked as a real delete, but the
WT state'
                            ' claims that it still exists and is
                del self._dirblocks[block_index][1][entry_index]

I'm trying to figure out whether 
shows a bug in:
 - dirstate's delta generation
 - commits inventory delta synthesis logic
 - dirstates update_basis_from_delta logic


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