inline BB (was Re: do you know enough about what (other) Bazaar developers are doing?)

Daniel Watkins daniel at
Thu Aug 7 04:09:25 BST 2008

On Wed, 06 Aug 2008 20:31:49 -0500
John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> Actually, in this is case email might actually be better. Because if
> BB accepts your request through XML-RPC, and then crashes, it may be
> lost. While if you use email, it will either be in BB's inbox, or
> SMTP server ahead of it will be holding it waiting to retransmit.
BB, like PQM, stores received emails on disk.  I would propose that the
XMLRPC stuff just add an email there (which is, incidentally, exactly
what PQM's XMLRPC support does).  I don't see that this would be any
more likely to cause data loss than the email method is.

Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)
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