[MERGE] Implement lookups into the current working tree for bzr annotate, fixing bug 3439.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Aug 7 01:39:10 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 15:25 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

I'm not clear just what things I need to tweak. I've tried to list them:
 - use a revid-like constant for the show-ids test
 - add a pending merge test
 - change a comment ? [see below]


> +    # Calculate the lengths of the various columns
> +    current_rev = Revision(CURRENT_REVISION)
> +    current_rev.parent_ids = tree.get_parent_ids()
> +    current_rev.committer = tree.branch.get_config().username()
> +    current_rev.message = "?"
> +    current_rev.timestamp = round(time.time(), 3)
> +    current_rev.timezone = osutils.local_time_offset()
> ^- The comment here is wrong.

Perhaps to "simulate a revision representing what would happen if we
committed" ?

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