RFC: Coloured output in bazaar core

Talden talden at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 02:46:56 BST 2008

>> [colour|color] = <Boolean>


> I'm not so keen on supporting both spellings; it adds more code and
> there is some potential for confusion.  (Are you going to allow both
> spellings in all places?  Does one override the other?)  At any rate
> for the initial merge I would just use the 'color' spelling
> everywhere, which is the standard in technical use.

It is standard in many languages APIs, I agree. It is not at all
standard in UI's though.  Many users will not be programmers and will
not be accustomed to switching between English and American.

Whether that's a reason to complicate it or not I'm not sure... But
it's not as simple as 'standard in technical use'.

I do think it's reasonable to pick the most common (American spelling)
for initial merges though.


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