Q: how to change path separator in command output?

C. Mundi cmundi at gmail.com
Sat Aug 2 17:28:25 BST 2008

Hi.  New user question.

I've just skimmed the users guide and started playing with bzr 1.6b3 on a
pair of Linux and WinXP boxes.

I'm already thinking about ways to integrate bzr into our build process,

Paths in command output use the solidus (i.e., /) for path separators in
console output both on Windows and Linux.

I might have expected that bzr would use Python's os.sep.which would give a
reverse solidus on Windows, but apparently not.  There must be a good reason
for this, though I did not find a clear one in the gmane archives.

Is there a way to control the path-separator behavior, or is there a reason
I would not want to?  I'm just starting to think about this, as you can

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