[MERGE] Make TreeTransform update the tree inventory on kind changes

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Fri Aug 1 00:03:58 BST 2008

Hi Aaron,

On Fri, 2008-08-01 at 10:27 +1200, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Westby wrote:
> > The attached merge directive attempts to fix this by also creating
> > an entry in the inventory_delta for every entry that has its kind
> > changed.
> bb:resubmit
> This is not an appropriate fix.  It adds new state that is redundant
> with state that we already have, and does an incomplete job of handling
> that new state.
> Instead of adding a new kind_change state, you should add a check in
> apply_insertions to see a kind changes has occurred.

That's what I originally went for. However, the files have already been
moved to libo by that point, so I couldn't get the old kind through
self.tree_kind(). I'll look for a way to get that tomorrow.

> > Also, I didn't add anything to the create_hardlink method, as
> > I think that is used in the --hardlink code, and I don't think
> > that it can be the cause of a kind change, is that correct?
> No, it's incorrect.

Ok, I'll work out how to exercise this as well.



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