Purging parts of a branch's history?

Staffan Gimåker staffan at gimaker.se
Thu Jul 31 12:50:49 BST 2008


Is it possible to remove parts of the history from a bzr branch? I came up 
empty-handed after googling and skimming through the contents of the User 

I run and open-source project which was converted from SVN that contains a lot 
of bogus commits early in the history. They have no value now and only taint 
the history and take up storage space, thus I'd like they removed from 
history if it is possible.

So, is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing it? Maybe this is 
somehow possible with bzr-rebase?


PS. Thanks for producing a great tool! I recently converted from SVN and have 
been very happy thus far - discovering little neat things like "bzr shelve" 
is especially rewarding :)
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