RFC: handling ignored files in deleted directories.
Colin D Bennett
colin at gibibit.com
Wed Jul 30 17:52:14 BST 2008
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 16:49:19 +1000
Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> So we have the ability to ignore files. Ignoring means 'do not auto
> add'
> - but people have multiple reasons not to add a file.
> Generally there are two reasons:
> - a file is not valuable (e.g. .o files, *~ files etc)
> - a file is private (e.g. htpasswd or similar)
> We have a bug in merge at the moment - a merge that deletes a
> directory will fail if any ignored files are present. E.g. foo.pyc.
> This bites me routinely during some sorts of code reorganisation.
> Now, we could fix this by just removing such files, but possibly this
> could lead to data loss when a file that is ignored-and-private is
> deleted.
> Alternatively we could create a new directory, such as 'lost+found'
> and put the ignored files there (still in the directory structure).
> This still requires manual intervention, but at least its out of the
> direct users way.
I think that actually making a distinction between private files and
garbage files is a much better choice than moving files to a
'lost+found' directory, since that could be a headache for the user to
restore them if that occurred very often.
(I was trying to come up with a good word to describe "garbage" files,
but I don't think I can think of anything better than "garbage". A
couple that I thought of were "inconsequential" and "transient".)
> Another alternative, a form of which was found in GNU Arch, is to have
> another file classifier which extends the concept of ignoring files to
> break files into two categories:
> ignored and safe to delete anytime bzr wants
> ignored and not safe to delete anytime bzr wants
> *I* would like bzr to not conflict on this case, but I don't want to
> setup a data-loss situation for users.
> In short:
> - do we want to fix the bug, or should we say WONTFIX?
I think it's worth fixing.
> - is the potential for dataloss to high to just delete ignored files
> in deleted directories?
Absolutely YES, we must not delete ignored files unless the user
requests us to. Even the bzrtools 'clean-tree' command (which based on
its name already makes me think twice before executing it) makes the
safer choice to require the user to specify '--ignored' to delete
ignored files. (Unknown files are more visible to the user since 'bzr
status' will be showing them, but the user may forget that there are
important 'private' ignored files.)
> - should the default ignore mean 'garbage file' or 'private file' ?
Definitely the default should be 'private file' since otherwise data
loss is sure to occur for many people. Always take the safe choice to
prevent data loss.
> - how should we implement
I think having an extra field of some sort in the .bzrignore file would
be best, and for backward compatibility we would default to ignored
files being 'private' instead of 'garbage'.
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