Changeset identity

Aaron Bentley aaron at
Wed Jul 30 12:15:11 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Russel Winder wrote:
> Aaron,
> On Wed, 2008-07-30 at 18:49 +1200, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>> So the question is, what is the officially approved way of naming a
>>> changeset so that it may be applied from one branch to another.
>> Well, generally, just a -r spec.  I'm not sure I really understand the
>> question.
> I think there are two aspects to the question:
> 1.  Git (and Mercurial?) label a changeset and that label can be used to
> refer to the changeset.  Bazaar appears not to have this, a changeset
> can only be referred to by a revision number relative to a branch.

No, revision numbers refer to revisions, not changesets.

But if you want to refer to a revision in a universal way, you can use
its revid.

For example:
bzr log -r revid:mbp at

> 2.  When I tried using revision numbers to do a merge -r XXX appeared to
> imply a range of changesets and not a particular changeset.  

Again, no changesets in Bazaar.

> I ended up
> having to say -r(XXX-1)..XXX to get the single changeset.

It sounds like you were looking for "bzr merge -c XXX"

> Which of course
> raises the issue of what is the difference between a Bazaar revision and
> a Mercurial or Git changeset?

A revision is a snapshot of a tree state.

A changeset is a set of changes which, relative to a previous tree
state, imply a tree state.

>  Also what is the difference between a
> Subversion revision and a Bazaar revision? 

There are probably small differences between what svn stores and what
bzr stores, but both store snapshots of tree state, which is the key thing.

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