[MERGE][#120050] Give and example of --fixes in the help for the option.

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Wed Jul 30 12:02:38 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 21:00 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I think either "bzr help commit" or the error message should tell you
> about "bzr help bugs". Rather than just "tracker:id".

Commit has a "See also: bugs", do you think it would be
better to change "(e.g. --fixes=lp:2345)" to '(see "bzr help

>  class MalformedBugIdentifier(BzrError):
> -    _fmt = "Did not understand bug identifier %(bug_id)s: %(reason)s"
> +    _fmt = ('Did not understand bug identifier %(bug_id)s:
> %(reason)s. '
> +            'See "bzr help bugs" for more information on this
> feature')

So you get told if you do "bzr commit --fixes 21345", but you
don't get told if you do "bzr commit --fixes bogus:1324" or
"bzr commit --fixes lp:word". I thought these were less important,
but do you think they should have the pointer anyway?



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