[MERGE] make 'push' default to parent branch
Scott Scriven
bzr at toykeeper.net
Wed Jul 30 01:52:45 BST 2008
* Ben Finney <bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> Note that the above statement is of goals, not of
> implementations.
True. And bzr is developing quickly toward that goal. Sometimes
it's easy to lose track of just how fast bzr is moving. Everyone
is doing a wonderful job.
... and I'm distracting people with off-topic rambling. Thanks
for the reminder. :)
> just confused as to why one set of conceptual complexities is
> handwaved while the other is presented as an "observation".
It would be a lot more fair after substituting "hg" for "git" in
everything I wrote. Hg inflicts less complexity than git, but
otherwise has similar concepts. Even in git's newer, friendlier
versions, it's still awfully complicated. Abstractions are so
thin they fail to hide what's underneath, user interfaces are
disorganized and inconsistent with each other, and a lot of
unnecessary details require periodic attention.
What I was trying to get at is that the underlying model is still
less flexible than bzr. Sure, git can have multiple heads in a
single directory, but it can't do a lot of what bzr does, like
lightweight checkouts, stacked branches, and plugins which can
modify core commands.
-- Scott
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