[MERGE] make 'push' default to parent branch

Scott Scriven bzr at toykeeper.net
Wed Jul 30 01:26:05 BST 2008

* Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> I think most folk with no relevant experience will be 
> contributing to an existing project (its much harder to start a 
> new project than bugfix an existing one);

Heh, it's often easier to start a new project than to find a 
suitable existing one, much less understand it.  Just look at all 
the redundant projects on sourceforge, or the sheer number of 
nearly identical Linux distros.  :)

> few projects allow $random to push directly into their 
> branches, so I don't think its a reasonable default for that 
> case.

It doesn't break the mainline, though.  It just says access 
denied, which is unsurprising.

> You can even do:
>  bzr push :pull

Thanks.  It's nice to have this sort of option, even if it's not 
mentioned anywhere in the built-in help.  (IIRC, that's a very 
recent feature and the docs haven't caught up yet)

BTW, it's "bzr push :parent".  :)

-- Scott

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