[MERGE][#120050] Give and example of --fixes in the help for the option.

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Tue Jul 29 22:29:20 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-07-30 at 07:20 +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 22:16 +0100, James Westby wrote:
> > 
> > +For the bug trackers that don't have a well known location some
> > +configuration is required.
> Uhm, nearly every tracker has a well known location; we just don't list
> them...

Could you suggest an alternative? I was struggling with a way to
differentiate the specific and configurable bug trackers in a way
that was clear and non-circular, and this was the best that
I thought of.



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