[PATCH] auto translation

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Jul 28 20:01:39 BST 2008

Aaron Bentley пишет:
> Andrew Bennetts wrote:
>> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>>> Bundle Buggy ?8H5B:
>> [...]
>>>>> For details, see:
>>>>> http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C488D244B.3070302%40treenet.co.nz%3E
>>>> Aaron, this one is also not for Bazaar itself.
>>> Why are you telling me this?  You can assign it to the correct project
>>> as easily as I can.
>> I assume because the original mail with the patch never went to the bazaar@
>> list, and there was nothing in the patch saying that it was related to Bazaar,
>> so it looks like a Bundle Buggy bug to me.
> If he'd like to make a constructive suggestion, that's one thing.
> Telling me "this is also not for Bazaar itself" isn't a constructive
> suggestion.  It's just "Haha, you suck!"

It was not my intent. I'm sorry if you get my mail in this manner.
But I saw many "wrong" messages from BB in last weeks. That was first time
I dare to say about this "spam". And I think it was last time.
I don't want to hear from you that I'm doing something wrong again.

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