planning for bzr 1.6 binaries for Windows

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Jul 28 06:38:15 BST 2008

On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 12:16 +1000, Mark Hammond wrote:
> Moving forward, I hope to have a new binary over the next few days
> suitable
> for testing.  I'm wondering what process we follow after that point:
> How do
> we "advertise" and make the binary available to people?  Should there
> be an
> "incubation" period before we start to recommend it, or do we just
> test-and-bless it, then make it the "official" 1.6 binaries for
> windows
> (noting that 1.6 itself is still beta), and aim to have it fairly
> solid by
> the time 1.6 hits?  Or maybe I'm jumping the gun?

I think do the same as we do for source:
 - until the release, label it as beta, and get people testing it.

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