RFC: shipping external-tree plugins

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Jul 28 01:25:26 BST 2008

So we decided at the last major get together to ship plugins from
outside the core in the main tarball.

There seem to be several necessary conditions to me:
 - a list of plugins we want to ship
 - a mechanism to grab them and put them on disk
 - an automated test of the result *uninstalled* aggregate

I think the easiest way to do this for now is:
 - a list of url's to pull from during the creation of a release, which
I propose we start off calling /BUNDLED.PLUGINS(*)
 - change make dist to branch each url into bzrlib/plugins/


(*): Which in bzr.dev would look like:
# The following plugins are not part of the bzr.dev branch but get
# included in the release tarball. If installing bzr from bzr.dev
# you should install them as well - they are part of our recommended
# 'batteries included' install.
# Name       Source branch
bzrtools     lp:bzrtools

And in 1.x releases:
# The following plugins are not part of the 1.6 branch but were
# included in the release tarball. If installing bzr from the 1.6 branch
# you should install them as well - they are part of our recommended
# 'batteries included' install.
# Name       Source branch
bzrtools     lp:bzrtools/1.6

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