[MERGE] make 'push' default to parent branch

Scott Scriven bzr at toykeeper.net
Sun Jul 27 21:32:56 BST 2008

* Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> wrote:
> Scott Scriven wrote:
> > This tiny patch makes 'bzr push' use the parent branch if nothing 
> > is remembered or specified.
> I think that would lead to a flood of new "mkdir is not 
> supported for http" complaints.  The reason these locations are 
> separate is a location that's suitable for pull may be highly 
> inappropriate for push.

The parent URL may be the wrong place to push, but it may also be 
the correct place (especially if the user has migrated from a 
centralized system).

This seems like a case where bzr could "just work" but chooses 
not to.  It's also a case where every other DVCS does "just work".

As far as I can tell, the current behavior is a trade-off.  Bzr 
makes it harder for core developers to make mistakes (accidental 
push to main trunk), at the expense of making things a bit harder 
for new users...  a lot of little inconveniences in order to 
avoid one or two bigger messes.

Is that the right decision?  I tend to err on the side of "trust 
the user", but I don't speak for everyone.  :)

-- Scott

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