[MERGE] Add mechanism for pre_change_branch_tip hook to cleanly reject a change.
John Arbash Meinel
john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jul 24 15:39:31 BST 2008
Hash: SHA1
Andrew Bennetts wrote:
| John Arbash Meinel wrote:
| [...]
|> @@ -1522,11 +1524,18 @@
|> ~ check_not_reserved_id = _mod_revision.check_not_reserved_id
|> ~ for rev_id in rev_history:
|> ~ check_not_reserved_id(rev_id)
|> + old_revno, old_revid = self.last_revision_info()
|> + if len(rev_history) == 0:
|> + revid = _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION
|> + else:
|> + revid = rev_history[-1]
|> + self._run_pre_change_branch_tip_hooks(len(rev_history), revid)
|> ^- Why did you chose to move it into set_revision_history() ? Just in
|> case something else called it directly?
| Not just in case, but because something else already does call it
directly. In
| addition to Branch.set_last_revision_info there's
| Branch.generate_revision_history.
|> Should we have a test for that?
| I think what's needed is to add test_hooks tests to verify that *all*
| that can the tip run the relevant hooks.
| That still leaves a gap that if there's a Branch method we forget (or
add later)
| that does change the tip then our test suite probably won't notice.
I'm not
| sure that there's any practical solutions to that other than vigilance :(
| Anyway, I've added per-implementation tests that set_revision_history,
| set_last_revision_info, test_generate_revision_history, test_pull and
| will invoke the pre/post_change_branch_tip hooks.
|> +class HookFailed(BzrError):
| [...]
|> +
|> +
|> +class TipChangeRejected(BzrError):
| [...]
|> ^- A docstring for when these are used, and what they represent would be
|> nice.
| Fair enough. Here are the docstrings:
| class HookFailed(BzrError):
| """Raised when a pre_change_branch_tip hook function fails
anything other
| than TipChangeRejected.
| """
| class TipChangeRejected(BzrError):
| """A pre_change_branch_tip hook function may raise this to cleanly and
| explicitly abort a change to a branch tip.
| """
| (Possibly we should make all hook runners raise HookFailed if a hook
| has an unexpected exception, but I'm not sure it matters too much. For
| pre_change_branch_tip it's helpful because it's good to have a clear
| between an “acceptable” error and a real error. I guess it would at
least help
| make it clear when a traceback is the fault of a hook rather than bzr
|> + def test_tip_change_rejected(self):
| [...]
|> ^- you should really be using try/finally or addCleanup rather than a
|> bare unlock.
| Ok.
|> Also, shouldn't you be asserting the last revision hasn't changed?
| Not here. That's a matter for the Branch object on the server-side.
The tests
| in test_remote are unit tests about the behaviour of the client-side
| the objects that are in bzrlib/remote.py. The relevant thing to
verify in this
| test method is that RemoteBranch will raise TipChangeRejected (with
the intended
| message) if it gets a certain network response after sending a request
to change
| the tip. In these tests, there is no actual underlying branch because the
| Remote* objects are using a stub SmartMedium (really a “Test Spy”
rather than a
| “Test Stub” using the terminology of the xUnit Test Patterns book, I
| I've added a docstring to the test method to clarify its purpose:
| def test_tip_change_rejected(self):
| """TipChangeRejected responses cause a TipChangeRejected
exception to
| be raised.
| """
| FWIW, there are already per-branch-implementation tests in
test_hooks.py that
| the last revision doesn't change when pre_change_branch_tip raises an
|> You should also have direct tests in test_errors() for the formatting of
|> these exceptions.
| Done.
|> And I wonder if we would want to add:
|> _fmt = 'Tip change rejected: %(msg)s'
|> Have you tried it in 'reality' so that we know what it looks like when
|> it fails?
| I have. I think that would be good addition; done.
|> I really like the functionality, but it seems to need a bit more polish.
|> BB:resubmit.
| Ok. Updated patch attached.
| -Andrew.
You sort of snuck in changes to bzrlib/errors.py to return Unicode
strings from __unicode__ without mentioning it, but that seems like a
fine change.
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